Download Upgrade Pack


Version 4002ddiconsole.ppm Version 4002ddinodeagent.ppm 

Read and accept the License Agreement before downloading this software.

How do I locate the current version and the build number for DDI Central?

  1. Locate your profile icon in the top right corner of the page.
  2. Search for the 'Build Number' and 'Version Number' among the product details listed.
  3. Check the following image guide to locate the build and the version number.

Steps to upgrade to Version 4002

  1. Download the upgrade service pack.
  2. Open the terminal as a root user. Shut down DDI Central using the command: 
    systemctl stop DDI
  3. Important: Take a manual backup of the DDI Central installation directory. The database inside this directory will be automatically backed up. (Ex: /opt/ManageEngine/ddi)
  4. Change the current directory to the 'bin' directory located within the current directory using the command: 
    cd bin
  5. Run the script ' under the <DDI Central Home>/bin folder using the command:
  6. Subsequently, enter the absolute service pack file path in the next command line as shown below:

  7. To install all the required new packages and libraries, execute the script from the same directory using the command: 
  8. Start DDI Central using the command: 
    systemctl start DDI

Need help ?

Want help with upgrading DDI Central to the latest version? Kindly mail us at .